We know the search for a hair supplement that really works can be time-consuming and frustrating. If you’ve tried all of the so-called best hair vitamins or jars and jars of biotin vitamins and seen little or no results, we’ve been there.
That’s part of the reason why we formulated wellbel, an all-natural, vegan, clean, and drug-free supplement that helps nourish your hair, skin, and nails from within. From 1A to 4C, wellbel supports hair growth and improves hair health.
We’re proud to hear from our wellbel community every day, stories that show us how these ingredients have the power to radically change people’s self-confidence. Today, we want to share one from Jessa Lynn, who knows firsthand how an improper biotin dose can cause more harm than good.
Jessa Lynn’s Amazing Hair And Skin Transformation
After moving to Chicago about three years ago, I started noticing my skin was breaking out a lot, especially around my jawline. I chalked it up to just being the heat of the summer, so I was washing my face more frequently hoping to clear it up. But I soon learned the placement and severity of the acne was much more than makeup clogging my pores.
After a couple of months without relief, I started seeing a dermatologist who put me on a round of steroids and gave me a prescription for two topical ointments to use day and night. The ointments made my skin dry and irritated. My sensitive skin moisturizer burned. The skin around my chin flaked and was super dry as the ointments "purged" my skin. I felt so defeated and frustrated with how I was almost 30 and my skin was breaking out so bad.
What I didn't know is that my hormonal acne could have also been affected by the vitamins I was taking. I didn't realize that the ingredients in my nail supplement paired with my skin supplement and the supplement for hair growth was overwhelming my body with biotin.
Too much biotin can lead to breakouts, rashes, and acne. I had no idea all my supplements were each filled with this ingredient.
After I saw their amazing hair transformations on Instagram, I switched out all my beauty supplements for Glamlab [wellbel women].
In just two and a half months, not only have I seen a big difference in my hair, but I was also so impressed with the difference in my hormonal acne and how my skin looks. Glamlab only has 500 mcg of Biotin compared to 2,500 – 10,000 mcg in other supplements like the ones I was taking and led to a lot of my skin problems.
I believe Glamlab's magic ingredient saw palmetto is the reason for the reduction in my androgenic, or hormonal acne.
I've also noticed my skin looks plumper and more glowing because of the MSM that stimulates collagen production. My skin looks 10 years younger because of Glamlab, and I'm so grateful for the relief I've found in this product!