Blog / Men: How to Maintain Your Hair to Prevent Hair Loss
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Men: How to Maintain Your Hair to Prevent Hair Loss

By Mary Kate Nyland |
Men: How to Maintain Your Hair to Prevent Hair Loss

Men get left out of the hair care conversation too often. 

Sure, you’re advertised all sorts of solutions for hair loss after it starts happening, but what about before? How can you maintain the hair you have now and protect it from future hair loss? The truth is that it’s just as important for men to take care of their hair as it is for women, whether you have a buzz cut, a few inches, or locks down to your shoulders.

For many men, hair loss can feel like the boogeyman. You might be wondering, when is it coming for you? How bad will it be? It’s a common concern and we totally understand. It can be distressing to watch your hair thin out over time. 

The good news is that there are steps you can take to maintain your current hair density and help prevent hair loss. Whether you're just starting to notice a few extra strands in your comb, already experiencing significant thinning, or just want to plan ahead, this post will provide you with practical tips and advice to keep your hair looking its best.

We believe the right resources can empower you to take charge of your hair health and feel confident in your appearance. That’s a feeling that every person deserves, don’t you think?

Why Does Hair Loss Happen?

Let’s start with some basics of hair loss, because once you understand why it happens, you’ll know what you can do to help avoid it. 


For many men, hair loss is a symptom of genetics and family history. Hair loss of this kind is called androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness.

Male pattern hair loss is an exceptionally common type of hair loss. Up to fifty percent of men experience some androgenetic hair thinning by the time they turn fifty. Baldness of this kind tends to be a long process. The hair cycle is shortened more and more, until hair follicles are shrunken, weak, and stop producing new hair. 

This will look like increased hair shedding and hair thinning, especially around the face. A receding hairline tends to follow an M pattern across the scalp, resulting in a more dramatic widow’s peak. 

Nutritional Deficiencies

While genetics play a large role in hair loss, they aren’t the only underlying cause.

Your diet significantly contributes to your overall health and this includes the health of your hair. A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is important for maintaining hair density and preventing hair loss.

Certain nutritional deficiencies have even been linked to hair loss, and correcting these deficiencies through dietary changes or supplements can help improve hair health. For example, a lack of iron, vitamin D, biotin, and protein in the diet have all been associated with hair loss. Vitamin D has been specifically tied to alopecia areata, a condition which causes the immune system to attack hair follicles, weakening them and causing hair loss.

In short, what appears on your plate has much larger ramifications on the health and appearance of your entire body, hair included.


Contrasting to the slow hair loss of androgenetic alopecia, is sudden hair loss, or telogen effluvium. Stress can have a significant impact on your hair health and contribute to temporary hair loss.

When you're under a lot of stress, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode and experiences hormonal changes, which can cause hair follicles to enter into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle. As a result, more hairs than normal will fall out when you shampoo, comb, or towel dry your hair.

Additionally, chronic stress can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to scalp infections, which can also contribute to hair loss. But with time and proper management of stress levels, hair regrowth is usually possible.

How to Prevent Hair Loss and Maintain Hair Health

Many people look to hair loss treatments once they start losing hair, but there are actually a number of steps you can take to encourage hair growth preventatively. 

Start Your Hair Regimen Early

The truth is that a hair maintenance plan looks a lot like a hair loss treatment plan. Products that help men with thinning hair will also help men with healthy hair keep the hair they have and help encourage more to grow.

When it comes to products, you have a number to choose from, though some are preferable to others. For years, men have turned to over the counter hair loss medications like topical minoxidil and finasteride. While they’re often effective at helping to support hair regrowth, they also have some unfortunate side effects. Finasteride, for example, is tied to decreased libido. 

Frankly, we think it’s a myth that prescription medication is required to deal with thinning hair. 

That’s why we formulated Wellbel Men, an all-natural supplement which supports men’s hair health and fights hair loss. You can use Wellbel men to treat androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, but it’s also hugely effective as a preventative measure, decreasing DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness and increasing blood flow to the scalp with the vitamins your body needs.

That’s how Dr. Dan, Wellbel’s Medical Director uses it

Make Destressing a Priority

To promote healthy hair and prevent telogen effluvium caused by stress, it's important to take steps to manage stress levels.

Simple things like taking regular breaks throughout the day, practicing deep breathing or mindfulness techniques, and engaging in physical activity can all help reduce stress. Getting enough sleep can also help you feel more relaxed and reduce the impact of stress on your hair.

Men tend to be left out of the self-care space, but with more open conversations and education, we can rewrite the rules.

Cut Back on Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices

Like it or not, unhealthy lifestyle choices can contribute to hair loss and exacerbate male pattern baldness. To promote hair health, it's important to cut back on these habits. For example, quit smoking to help improve blood circulation to the scalp.

In addition, a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to support healthy hair growth. By making these changes, you can take steps to improve your hair health and reduce the risk of more hair loss.

Try Regular Scalp Massages

Scalp massages can be an effective way to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. The gentle pressure from a scalp massage can help improve blood circulation to the scalp, bringing more oxygen and red blood cells to the hair follicles. 

This increased blood flow can help support healthy hair growth and reduce noticeable thinning. Bonus? It feels great! Try getting a scalp brush and using it once a week before washing your hair. 

Upgrade Your Product Routine

If you’re still using a 2-in-1 product, this tip is for you. The hair products you use can play a significant role in your hair health and growth. Using shampoos and conditioners with all-natural ingredients can support hair growth and help prevent hair loss.

These types of hair products are typically free from harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients like sulfates that can damage and weaken your hair, scalp, and hair follicles. Look for nourishing elements like vitamins, minerals, and essential oils to elevate your hair regimen. 

Get Ahead of The Curve When it Comes to Hair Loss

If there’s one thing you take away from this post, we hope it’s this: You don’t have to wait until you notice hair loss, to protect your hair.

Hair loss is a common issue for many men, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, stress, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. While some hair loss is normal and temporary, permanent hair loss can also occur and lead to a receding hairline or noticeable thinning. 

To help prevent further hair loss and promote healthy hair, it's important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, supplement your diet with hair loss-fighting ingredients, and prioritize your wellness. By being proactive and taking steps to promote healthy hair, you can reduce the risk of losing hair and enjoy a full, healthy, and natural head of hair.


Male Androgenetic Alopecia | Endotext

The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review | Dermatology and Therapy

Mary Kate Nyland
Mary Kate Nyland is a content and copy writer with a passion for wellness.